Southen Highlands Vaulting Team- Lillie Heath vaulting on E.P. Morgan with assistance from Lani Maher
Equestrian Vaulting in Australia can be undertaken in many riding centres, RDA centres or with vaulting specific clubs and coaches. The purpose of this website is to help connect people in the Australian Vaulting community and encourage them to interact at all levels; be it social, recreational, competitive or just to share the mutual love and respect of horses.
If your riding centre or coach engages in any vaulting activities and would like to be included on our ‘ Find a Club’ list then please send us your details via 'Contact Us'
Competitive Vaulting in Australia is organised and run by groups of volunteers in each State, via Equestrian Australia Affiliated Clubs. Currently there are over ten incorporated vaulting non-profit organisations and together they form the backbone of Vaulting in Australia.
In addition, there are many coaches that have undertaken training and assessment through the Equestrian Australia Education Program, which provides a pathway for vaulting coaches to develop their skills and become nationally recognized via the National Coach Accredited Scheme and can be located in each state on the EA Coach Search database.
The state branches of Equestrian Australia have discipline sub-committees and our volunteers from the general community hold positions on these vaulting specific committees, they oversee our competitions and develop vaulting in each state.
In addition to the vaulting specific discipline committees in each state, there is a national vaulting committee that governs the rules of our sport and looks after our high performance interests at national and international level.
To compete at a State or National Championship all vaulters are required to be members of Equestrian Australia, and can join via their EA state branch.
Links to
Equestrian Australia & Branches
Who We Are